WWE 2K20: 10 Biggest Changes 2K Must Make

3. Commentary & Superstar Voices

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2K Games

We're afraid WWE games have been left behind in the dark ages when it comes to voice work, and that includes the sh*tting abominable commentary that removes Corey Graves' razor-sharp wit and turns Michael Cole into someone who can't tell the difference between Braun Strowman and Alexa Bliss.

At this stage, unless sweeping improvements are coming in 2K20, they'd be better off forgetting about comms and eliminating it completely. We'd actually be up for that if it freed up more time to record superstar voiceovers that could be slotted into the game at relevant points.

The tough thing here is obviously WWE's ever-moving product, but it is true that some stars use catchphrases, and those catchy lines should be in the game. When Roman Reigns takes the mic, he should call the ring his yard. When AJ Styles challenges someone to a match, he should do so by reminding them that "this is the house that AJ Styles built".

2K have to start seeking ways to make voiceovers work for them outside the impressive array of lines recorded for 'MyCareer', and they absolutely must make commentary workable.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.