WWE 2K20: 10 Biggest Fears Hardcore Fans Have

9. One New Feature Is Deemed Enough

WWE 2K19
2K Games

If 2K are going to succeed and please everybody (including Yukes), then they can't tack on a generic game mode and expect that to be enough.

Last year's Towers were a nice distraction, but they weren't the fully-fledged single player mode fans seeking that option craved. They were fine for an hour or two in moderation without being the most satisfying. Expecting people to be thrilled that 2K are reimagining old Mortal Kombat features with WWE stars was far-fetched.

Towers was the only truly new mode in 2K19 too. Others, like Daniel Bryan's Showcase and the revamped MyCareer, were additions to already pre-existing features fans had seen before. It's important that 2K are left in no doubt that freshness is something their series badly needs.

The nightmare outcome is that 2K20 launches with everything 2K19 already had and pretends it's good enough. Being clear, it's not. A golden character model of AJ Styles that looks like something from Michael Jackson's Moonwalker won't cut it this time.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.