WWE 2K20: 10 Biggest Innovations We Need To See

2. Sliders That Make A Visible Difference

WWE 2K19 Elimination Chamber
2K Games

Those sliders in 2K19's option menus are the biggest tease since WWE signed Sting and didn't match him up against The Undertaker. Play around with them all you like, but the effect they'll have on the game's core gameplay is minimal. 2K19 will still play slow, and it'll still force gamers to do things the way 2K wants to do them.

We're sure some people enjoy this. Younger gamers probably don't see the issue, mainly 'cause they didn't marvel at the fun factor titles of yesteryear had. If 2K could only marry that delicious mix of control and speed with the simulation and top-notch production they've added to WWE video games, then things would be perfect.

Gameplay, as it stands, could do with being a bit less fiddly, and those sliders need to have more impact.

At times, 2K19 felt like a step backwards towards the dreadful button combinations of War Zone and Attitude. Doing literally anything other than striking or basic slams is an effort, and don't get us started on trying to successfully put the CPU through a table when playing on anything above easy difficulty.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.