WWE 2K20: 10 Things To Know Before You Buy
1. It's Largely More Of The Same

This looks like it's going to be a poor entry that the WWE 2K series simply couldn't afford. That blandness, more than anything, is arguably the biggest negative.
Aside from the decrease in graphical quality, the addition of female characters in MyCareer and 2K Originals, it's largely more of the same from a development house that has coasted for far too long. These annual updates 2K keep churning out have been struggling to captivate a loyal fanbase for years now. 2K20 seems to be another chapter in that story.
That's not to say that anyone who thinks the series is fine as it is won't glean some fun. 2K20's gameplay, whilst still clunky, will be perfectly fine to some people. Each to their own, but nobody can deny that the formula is painfully stale by now. WWE games require a complete overhaul from the ground up, and that may only happen if a new developer takes charge.
If money is tight or you're worried about the lack of sheen to 2K20's presentation, then save your cash. If you simply must have WWE 2K20, then maybe waiting on it as a Christmas gift or holding out for inevitable end-of-year sales would be best.
What are your thoughts on WWE 2K20? Will you buy on release or wait for a sale? For more on the game, check out 10 Wrestlers Making Their Series Debut!