WWE 2K20: 10 Things To Know Before You Buy

4. Create-A-Championship Isn't Available Out Of The Box

WWE 2K19
2K Games

In an unacceptably poor moment, 2K announced that Create-A-Championship won't be available out of the box in 2K20. Their justification for this is that the system needed some more work, so they're going to hold onto it and release a patch post-release. Cue the outrage from series veterans who love crafting their own belts.

This adds to the list of 'Create-A' features that have been removed over the years (Create-A-Finisher and Create-A-Story being the most glaring), and it won't please those who feast on Community Creations. One of 2K19's biggest assets was being able to download custom belts from other promotions and use them in-game.

Without that ability, anyone who ignores the WWE stuff in favour of building their own AEW, ROH, NWA, New Japan, WCW or ECW Universe may want to think twice about 2K20 for now. You won't be able to create belts at all when the game first launches. There's no word on when that update patch is coming either.

This will be a big negative for some.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.