WWE 2K20: 10 Things To Know Before You Buy

3. 2K Originals Won't Be For Everybody

WWE 2K20
2K Games

The big new feature 2K are touting this year is their own 2K Originals creations. They're aimed at players who want something a little more unique that stands totally separate from other modes grounded in reality. Bray Wyatt's 'Fiend' is being used as a big selling point, and so are special arenas (like the fiery one above).

The gist is that warped versions of WWE stars compete in standalone mini-stories. The one offered in-box will be followed by others released as DLC at yet-to-be-announced intervals. It's important to weigh up the importance of fantasy in your own WWE video game experience. If it's not appealing, then don't be fooled by hype elsewhere about Showcase, Towers and Universe.

Originals is pretty much the shiny new toy when it comes to 2K20's feature set.

Kids are likely to get a lot out of it, and so are those who don't mind suspending their disbelief or losing themselves in a world of crazy, over-the-top characters. Perhaps the best way to put it is that Originals will make the Fire Pro crowd cringe.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.