WWE 2K20: 10 Tiny Details 2K Must Add

2. An Expansive Theme Library

WWE 2K17 Cactus Jack
2K Games

Some might be sitting there saying, "Wait a minute, Mr. Writer, you've bitched about this one before too. As Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn might say, "Yep". Guilty as charged.

This guy can't be the only one who wants 2K to make more of WWE's never-ending theme song library though. It's maddening to download that stonking CAW from Community Creations and then have to use some generic nonsense as music instead of the real deal. Cactus Jack should not be coming out to 'Dark Superhero', he should be waddling out to this.

In fairness, licensing may well be a barrier to gifting fans access to every single theme ever, but most of us have Spotify accounts by now anyway. So, here's a suggestion: if anyone does use the music streaming service on their console of choice, let them link it to 2K20 and use anything from WWE's own channel in-game.

Failing that, pre-install a good 50-100 classic entrance tunes on disc and make them available either as VC purchasables or accessible from the off.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.