WWE 2K20: 10 Tiny Details 2K Must Add

8. General Managers In Universe

WWE 2K19
2K Games

OK, so this is a thinly-veiled moan about the fact 2K haven't given this spoiled brat what he wants and re-introduced GM Mode as part of their feature set. So what? It's a whine that simply will not go away until they integrate the same kind of authority figure presence WWE do on Raw and SmackDown.

General Managers and Commissioners appear every single week.

They're the ones who often make the matches, they interact with talent and they have a huge bearing on what happens on the show fans are watching. Universe Mode in 2K20 shouldn't be any different. It's pretty silly that what happens there fails to reflect the programming players watch each Monday and Tuesday.

GMs and/or Commissioners must be part of things in the next game. They could appear in a few cut scenes, be shown thrashing out the card beforehand or interrupt the action whenever they feel like it to introduce the next segment.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.