WWE 2K20: 7 Things It Does BETTER Than 2K19

2. MyCareer's Overall Experience

WWE 2K20
2K Games

It might resemble a 10-year old's art project graphically, but 2K20's MyCareer is an altogether more fully-fleshed mode than ever before. Being able to create a female MyPlayer is a nice touch, and 2K's clever decision to amalgamate a male and female story keeps everyone happy. There's some genuine thought behind it all.

As goofy as the story undoubtedly is, it's equally as endearing to play through at points. Seeing your wannabe wrestlers interact with voiced legends like X-Pac, Lita, The Undertaker and more breathes new life into the mode, and it's cool to see there are some multiple choice scenarios in there too.

Compared to 2K19's more linear MyCareer, this is a joy to behold.

If it was prettier, it'd probably have more people clamouring to play it. Those who can look past PSP level graphics will have a ball, and they'll appreciate what 2K were trying to do here; they were boldly expanding on one of last year's major successes.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.