WWE 2K20: 7 Things It Does BETTER Than 2K19

1. Content After Release

WWE 2K20 2K Originals
2K Games

The first 2K Originals pack, dubbed 'Bump In The Night', is available to those who pre-ordered the game or as DLC. It's a curious take on pro wrestling silliness for sure, and it's not going to appeal to those who actually like 2K's heavy focus on simulation. That doesn't mean it's not worth giving a go if you happen to have access.

Perhaps the best thing one could say about Originals is that it offers more content after release. That's not typically something 2K has done well with this series aside from adding a few new characters via downloadable packs. Now, they're adding story content, and that's something that should be applauded.

Over time, other Originals like 'Wasteland Wanderers', 'Southpaw Regional Wrestling' and 'Empire Of Tomorrow' will be drip fed out to those with season passes. Those who don't have such passes will be able to pick and choose which ones they want.

'Bump In The Night' is almost worth the price of admission to hear Bray Wyatt doing some guest commentary. Hey, he's no worse than Tazz in SmackDown: Just Bring It, or the goons during 2K20's regular play.

What do you think of these slight improvements to 2K20? Are they enough for you? For more on the game, check out 10 Best Looking Characters and 10 Things To Know Before You Buy!

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.