WWE 2K21: 10 Ways To Save A Dying Franchise

2. Release A Spin-Off

wwe all stars

It might seem ridiculous, but what if 2K scrap their attempt to make 2K21 a 2K20-beater that immerses fans in simulation over arcade action? What if, instead of trying that, they bring back an oldie from the archives and go off in a totally different direction?

What if 2K introduce the world to WWE All Stars 2?

Releasing a spin-off from the main franchise could, in theory, create the illusion of freshness for what is now an ailing beast. 2K and VC made such an arse of things in 2K20 that expectations are woefully low for the next entry. Therefore, releasing an over-the-top arcade sideshow would give everyone's assumptions a solid jolt in the arm.

If not All Stars, then how about No Mercy? 2K could tart up the graphics, but go for an older style and implement the N64 favourite's controls and gameplay. Faster action is a must regardless of what they choose to do, because 2K20's chugging engine and tired-looking visuals won't work anymore.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.