WWE 2K21: 10 Ways To Save A Dying Franchise

1. Announce A Long-Term Rebrand Is Coming

WWE 2K22
2K Games

If 2K do go the soft-remaster or spin-off route for 2K21, then they should follow that up by announcing that they're taking some time off from the main series to re-evaluate. That'd disappoint WWE, and it'd need to be something both parties sorted out, but it'd give fans hope that quick cash grabs were a thing of the past.

Imagine it.

Imagine 2K announced that 2K22 had been cancelled, wouldn't release in the late-2021 window and that they were tasking a dedicated team with getting things right as the other spin-offs raged on. That'd please everyone; WWE would get their annual release, 2K would buy themselves some time, VC would have a chance to properly build their own assets instead of recycling whatever Yuke's left them and fans would feel good.

It's a win-win situation. A long-term rebrand is the best thing imaginable for this franchise these days. 2K can't continue leaking poisonous disasters out into the gaming world without serious backlash from those expected to throw hard-earned money their way.

What else must 2K do to save their ailing WWE franchise? For more, check out 10 Times Wrestlers Ignored All Advice and 10 Wrestling Debuts That Changed Everything!

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.