WWE 2K22: 10 Most Anticipated Changes Fans Need To See

WWE 2K22's biggest changes we absolutely must see in 2021. No excuses this time.

WWE 2K22
2K Games

The summary line says it best.

2K22 is the single most important video game WWE will ever put out. Why? One reason: 2K20 was absolutely horrible, and sits awkwardly as a reminder of everything that can go wrong when developers take customer loyalty for granted. It'll take 2K Games some time to get over that PR disaster.

They can start by producing a product everyone can be proud of. If Executive Producer Patrick Gilmore's Reddit AMA last summer is anything to go by, then they have a chance to do just that. Unfortunately, that open door Q&A is just the start; Gilmore was there to placate fans more than give concrete information, and his bold words will count for nothing if the next title isn't a winner.

2K22 simply must get it right. This is a series with lineage stretching back over 20 years, and people have grown tired of samey rubbish that fails to meet expectations or drive things forward. It's not over-the-top to suggest that this franchise could die for good if 2K don't make significant changes and improvements.

Here's where they need to start...

10. A Finished Product

WWE 2K22
2K Games

Wouldn't this be nice?

2K20 was lazily pushed out onto shelves before it was 100% finished. That, apparently, was something 2K and Visual Concepts hoped to fix later via patches, but there was just one issue: Their product was total garbage and had more bugs and glitches than the developers could manage.

As weird as it is to say then, 2K22 has to be a finished product before it launches. There's just no reasonable excuse for another chronic mess, and 2K Games must know it. Fans and critics have made it crystal clear that they won't tolerate more of that sh*t.

WWE 2K22 has to look the part, play well and come pre-packed with apologetic bells and whistles that get the fans back on side. If that doesn't happen, then 2K may never get another chance to say sorry. They'd only have themselves to blame.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.