WWE 2K22: 10 Most Anticipated Changes Fans Need To See

1. Sustained Live Updates

WWE 2K22
2K Games

It's no longer good enough to plonk an already outdated product onto the marketplace and then leave it until the next game in the series is ready to launch. People expect more than that - they expect developers to continually work on the game, improve it and offer up a bit more bang for their buck by way of DLC.

2K has done DLC, but that has largely been limited to incidental add-ons or character packs. Come 2K22, the fanbase will crave a bit more than that.

That's where a '2K22 Live' service could come in. WWE aren't using the 'WWE Live' branding anyway (there aren't any house shows to use it on) right now, so it likely wouldn't be hard for 2K to get their hands on that. Then, they can focus on spitting out regular patches that update rosters, attires and more at the click of a button.

Gamers shouldn't have to wait to play as 'Tribal Chief' Roman Reigns if he switches gimmick before the next series entry, for example. That's an archaic thought.

What other big changes do you want to see in WWE 2K22? For more wrestling, check out 10 Wrestlers Who Refused To Give Fans What They Came For and 10 2020 Moments WWE Must NEVER Do Again!

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.