WWE 2K22: 10 Reasons To Be Worried

8. 2K Could Lean On Wacky Add-Ons

WWE 2K22
2K Games

This would also be desperate.

2K seemed to channel the spirit of EA by going heavy on unnecessary add-ons in WWE 2K20. Their '2K Originals' series of DLC packs offered up wacky spin-offs of characters already in the game, but none of it seemed as exciting as they liked to think. It also contrasted poorly with the simulation gameplay.

It's unlikely that the company will abandon their 'Originals' concept so quickly. They'll probably want to give it another airing in 2K22 and see if there's a market for gimmicky DLC in a game that actually functions properly without all those ghastly glitches or bugs.

Brace yourselves, because they're not done with this idea - not by a long shot. There will be more 'Bump In The Night' and 'Empire Of Tomorrow' content flooding download lists come the end of 2021. It'd be a bit of a surprise if there wasn't.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.