WWE 2K22: 10 Reasons To Be Worried

6. Commentary In General

WWE 2K22

WWE's video game commentary has been atrocious for a long time now. It doesn't matter if it's Jim Ross, Michael Cole, Mauro Ranallo or anyone else - the narration is appalling, riddled with errors and barely keeps up with the action that's happening on screen. It's a running joke.

Except no-one's laughing anymore.

If it wasn't already apparent by now, nobody at 2K seems to know how to properly add commentary on top of the gameplay so that they work in harmony. There's a serious disconnect there, and it's troubling when so many other sports-style games absolutely nail announcing with ease.

It's been said many times, but it's worth repeating: Madden, FIFA, NHL, NBA 2K and even bloody golf and snooker games do a better job of layering commentary on top of the player's button presses. The past 20 years of WWE games give no indication that this will magically change in 2K22.


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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.