WWE 2K22: 10 Reasons To Be Worried

5. MyCareer Is Here To Stay

WWE 2K22
2K Sports

Patrick Gilmore also talked loads about MyCareer in his Reddit AMA, and he seemed thrilled to announce that "player choice" would become a driving force behind the narrative. Basically, storylines will have branching paths instead of following a linear, on-rails experience from beginning to pre-determined end.

This will appeal to some players, but others are so worn out on the MyCareer feature.

There's something more satisfying about picking an authentic WWE star and taking them on a rollercoaster journey through wins, losses, babyface/heel turns, feuds, title wins and pay-per-view paydays; there's something less thrilling about doing all this as some poorly-rendered CAW with a costume straight out of Walmart.

2K adore MyCareer though, which means it ain't going anywhere. They're obviously proud of their 'rags to riches' storytelling, and think gamers want to play as Indy Hopeful #1 instead of Roman Reigns, Asuka or AJ Styles. What was that about a disconnect again?

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.