WWE 2K22: 10 Reasons To Be Worried

4. Pre-Order "Bonuses" Will Likely Return

WWE 2K22
2K Games

Technically, Bray Wyatt's then-fresh 'Fiend' character was a pre-order exclusive in WWE 2K20. He came as part of the 'Bump In The Night' pack (which was also available post-launch as DLC). That means 2K not-so-generously placed the hottest gimmick in wrestling at the time behind a paywall.

This is a modern gaming trend that, whilst logical from a business perspective, totally sucks for fans. Anyone who didn't have the cash to pre-order 2K20 (lucky them) missed out on Wyatt's alter ego unless they then scraped together enough coin for a download afterwards. Why does gaming need to be this annoying?

That's part of a wider moan, granted.

2K22 won't move away from irritating pre-order bonuses, because that's what developers do. They're not going to miss out on the chance to secure sales just because some internet writer thinks it's crap, are they? So, such "bonuses" are going to be part of the package later this year.

They'll suck. Again.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.