WWE 2K22: 10 Things 2K Must Get Right

8. Consistent Character Models

Edge WWE 2K22
2K Games

Other major annual(-ish) franchises like FIFA and NBA 2K boast varying levels of quality when it comes to character models, and it does make sense that star players on the pitch/court get the most love. Lionel Messi, for example, is a more vital cog in the machine than Hull City's Tom Huddlestone.

However, WWE works a bit differently. Every single man and women on company television is legitimately presented as a "superstar", so they all require the same attention. Chad Gable's model should look every bit as slick as Roman Reigns' one, basically.

Some of the horror shows on display in 2K20 were totally unacceptable.

The Rock shouldn't resemble a CAW from Just Bring It, and Mandy Rose shouldn't look like she's just been hauled from a nearby hotel room bed after 20 minutes kip. These people are "superstars", remember? The power of the PS5 and Xbox Series X should allow 2K to up the overall quality across the board.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.