WWE 2K22: 10 Things 2K Must Get Right

7. A Steady Content Roll Out

Edge WWE 2K22
2K Games

Often, 2K's wrestling titles feel rather dated by the time they hit store shelves. The issue here, other than WWE releasing absolutely everybody who isn't nailed down, is that wrasslin' moves quickly. Wrestlers change their outfits, hair, gimmick and more at the drop of a hat, and there has to be a cut off point for the developers pre-release.

Fair enough, but what's stopping them from updating things as they go?

2K should think about drip-feeding content out steadily during 2K22's lifespan. Of course, they shouldn't actively withhold anything or hide it behind a paywall for the sake of it, but nobody would complain if they had the option to add extras to the game during the summer.

Ensuring 2K22 has enough fresh stuff will keep things ticking along nicely and (crucially) keep the fanbase engaged and invested in the product. Rockstar has done a sensational job of this with GTA Online, so they could be a role model for 2K here.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.