WWE 2K22: 10 Things GM Mode Must Get Right

7. Competition

WWE 2K22 GM Mode

This could be a tough sell to a certain VKM.

WWE only mention AEW (or any other wrestling promotion, for that matter) when it suits them. 99% of the time, McMahon and troops feign ignorance and tell viewers that WWE is the only show in town. If GM Mode is going to work as a proper fully-fledged mode, then they might need to change that.

OK, so nobody's suggesting that Tony Khan's group is in WWE 2K22 - that'd be ridiculous. However, 2K could create their own generic promotions that add outside competition for Raw, SmackDown, NXT and NXT UK in the war for weekly ratings domination. There's nothing stopping them there.

Something made-up, like the RWF (Regional Wrestling Federation) or WIP (Wrestling International Promotions) would be enough to build the illusion of rivalry. Sure, those names are naff, but they're just examples. It's in 2K's best interests to create a living, breathing world beyond WWE's walls.

Raw vs. SmackDown vs. NXT only goes so far.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.