WWE 2K22: 10 Things They Must Get Right

10. Their Apology

WWE 2K20 10 Most Wanted New Features THUMB

WWE 2K20 was a depressing mess of pixels that made Bubsy 3D look like Crash Bandicoot by comparison. OK, perhaps that's a stretch, but you get the point. The game was a crushing disappointment to everyone, and ended up being one of the worst pro wrestling experiences since Vince Russo was running WCW.

Saying sorry is the least they can do.

This is what was meant in the intro about "self-awareness". 2K and VC must know that they've sh*t the bed big time here, and they can't realistically think fans will move on without some sort of acknowledgement. The fact 2K20 is propping up 60-80% off Easter holiday sales isn't enough embarrassment.

It's actually shocking that these guys thought they could slip such an unfinished product out the door, slap a full price sticker on it and expect nobody to notice. They need to apologise, and do so quickly. That's the only way this series can move forwards.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.