WWE 2K22: 10 Things You NEED To Do First

1. Mess Around With A Friend

WWE 2K22 CM Punk
2K Games

Some of the best fun you can have with wrestling video games is still locally on the couch with a friend. No, traditional multiplayer isn't how developers want you to enjoy their product these days, but screw that. Sitting down with a pal, some snacks and two controllers rules.

Experiment with all the cool tricks 2K22's new gameplay system has to offer. Throw one another around in a Hell In A Cell brawl (breaking side panels and ceilings along the way), find out which weapons hit the hardest, perfect those pesky reversal timing windows and more.

In short, experience everything.

You and friends will get a lot of mileage out of 2K22 if you're willing to ask, "What happens if I...?" over and over again. This is still one of the greatest ways to play WWE games, people. Embrace it. They can't take couch co-op away from the masses!

What will you do first when you pick up a copy of WWE 2K22? For more wrestling, check out 10 New Directions For AEW After Revolution 2022 and 10 Things We Learned From Vince McMahon On Pat McAfee’s Podcast!

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.