WWE 2K22: 10 Ways To Save MyCareer Mode

9. Ditch Voice Acting

WWE 2K22 Cesaro
2K Games

This could be controversial.

Yes, modern gaming is expected to be almost movie-like in terms of production. Games like The Last Of Us II or God Of War would suck if they were devoid of any and all voice acting, wouldn't they? Well, yeah, but it's not impossible to produce an excellent video game without much talking - look at Zelda: Breath Of The Wild.

Besides, a complete lack of voice work didn't hold some of the older WWE titles back one bit. SmackDown: Shut Your Mouth, for example, managed to craft a compelling Story Mode without much spoken dialogue at all. Little text boxes and clever scripting were all that game needed to hit a home run.

Ditching voice acting would have another benefit to 2K. Namely, they wouldn't be as restricted in their storytelling, and that could open MyCareer up with better options which wouldn't fall apart because they contradict what Triple H said during a convo in his office.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.