WWE 2K22: 10 Ways To Save MyCareer Mode

7. Each Gender’s Journey Is Different

WWE 2K22 Cesaro
2K Sports

Time to hammer that point home.

2K20's MyCareer joined Tre and Red together almost as a package - they were billed as "lifelong friends" who journeyed through WWE's world together. They did do some of their own stuff, but they were largely mates who even worked mixed tags together. That didn't leave much room for that aforementioned replayability.

Men and women can have vastly different experiences of WWE life. They're rarely interchangeable, and they shouldn't be presented as such. In 2K22, it'd be sweet to plough through one MyCareer (say, as a male character) and then live a contrasting tale as the female. Or, vice versa - freedom of choice and all that.

Having two distinct MyCareers to pick from the off sounds lovely, eh? That'd also extend the shelf life of the mode and stop it from seeming like an intertwined story, or a rather forced way to promote the old 'Mixed Match Challenge' concept.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.