WWE 2K22: 10 Ways To Save MyCareer Mode

6. Winning Isn’t Mandatory

WWE 2K22 Cesaro
2K Games

The best sports-style stories in gaming take failure into account. In 2K's NBA franchise, you are occasionally allowed to lose and still continue with the story. Of course, there has to be some balance so your character doesn't come out looking like some college team dropout loser, but peaks and troughs are important.

WWE's series doesn't seem to understand that.

Lose a tough match and you'll probably be asked to start over again from the opening bell. 'Get it right this time, for f*ck sake!' That's pretty much what the game shouts at you after a third time staring at the arena lights. That, unsurprisingly, makes the mode feel like a chore to play through.

The story in MyCareer should account for a few defeats here and there. If it doesn't, then it's painfully on-rails and doesn't boast the kind of freedom 2K crow about anyway. 2K22's mode should have contingency plans in place if you make an arse of something.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.