WWE 2K22: 10 Ways To Save MyCareer Mode

5. Eliminate Multi-Wrestler Challenges

WWE 2K22 Cesaro
2K Games

There's a difference between length and obvious padding.

WWE MyCareers have been riddled with such padding for a generation. Beating some heel to become number one contender and then, swerve, finding out that you also have to beat his stablemates in a handicap match is lazy writing and a little dull at this point. It's also very predictable.

Being honest, multi-man/woman matches have been a constant pain in the ass for too long now. The developers clearly think that this approach adds challenge, which it does, but it's rarely fun. Gamers just want to get through them as quickly as possible, and that's not good - if you're rushing because you're p*ssed off, then you're hardly having a ball.

2K should take these multi-wrestler affairs out of 2K22. The only exception would arguably be the Royal Rumble. That's a company staple, and it feels like a fairer, less-chaotic challenge than the Money In The Bank or three-on-one handicap encounters do.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.