WWE 2K22: 10 Ways To Save MyCareer Mode

4. A More Realistic Journey

WWE 2K22 Cesaro
2K Games

Everyone has heard the stories. Indy Wrestler A signs with WWE, gets announced on social media and then has to fight visiting Raw or SmackDown superstars in 20-minute epics at the Performance Center. Spotted the flaw in that? No doubt, but it happens in most WWE 2K games.

Your CAW struggles through some early training drills and then, boom! Here comes Dolph Ziggler to work a back-and-forth classic like he's on the 'Mania undercard. This is so unrealistic, and it shouldn't be happening. Also, why does your creation need to be pushed as some WWE Hall Of Famer who's reminiscing about his/her journey at all?

Knowing how the story ends kinda' defeats the purpose of playing through it.

2K22 must have a more realistic narrative, and a less mundane one. No more stupidly-amazing PC matches, no more 'remember when' stuff and way more realism. Your character doesn't need to go from indy scrub to HOF'er in eight hours of gameplay.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.