WWE 2K23: 10 Changes Fans Demand

1. The Promise Of Monthly Updates

WWE 2K23
2K Games

This is a biggie.

Firstly, as up-to-the-minute a WWE roster as 2K can give everyone would be appreciated at launch. Second, the devs should vow to roll out monthly updates that tweak the overall experience and make changes to the roster, character attires, belt designs and more as they happen in real life.

If Drew McIntyre cuts his hair (God forbid), then that should be replicated via an update. Triple H decides to change the look of the Universal Championship? Then get that new design in-game ASAP so people are playing WWE's product in an 'as live' fashion.

Some 'WWE Live' updates would keep 2K23 feeling fresher for longer than 2K22 did or does. Other games patch things as they go along, so why not 2K? These would be handy on the cosmetic side for an ever-changing industry too.

What other changes should 2K make in WWE 2K23? For more wrestling, check out 10 Wrestlers That Don’t Deserve To Be Hated and 10 Crazy Recent WWE Pitches You Won’t Believe!

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.