WWE 2K23: 10 Most Anticipated Changes Fans Need To See

6. 3D Set Piece Design In Create-An-Arena

WWE 2K23
2K Games

Take a look at the image above. Go ahead, take a minute or so to properly scan it, and pay most attention to that set design in the background. Notice anything off about it? Well, for starters, it's a little small. Secondly, that's a cardboard cutout rather than a full 3D model.

This is something else that 2K must take a gander at.

It should be possible for fans creating arenas to craft 3D set pieces they can scatter around their stages. For example, that 1999 Monday Nitro re-design should be much more impressive in-game than it is, but anyone uploading to Community Creations has to bow down to 2K22's 2D assets.

OK, so this isn't the most pressing concern on the list, but it would be ace if 2K23 let players produce customisable 3D sets/ramps/stages that look more like the real deal and less like some stretched .JPG that's so pixellated it'd make most PS1 titles giggle.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.