WWE 2K23: 10 Reasons To Be REALLY Excited

7. They’ll Refine The Gameplay

WWE 2K23
2K Games

On the subject of concerted efforts - 2K went to great lengths to simplify gameplay without dumbing it down to the point of becoming some arcade brawler like Battlegrounds. Controls were laid out in a more logical way (granted, that's an arguable point when some did like the schemes of yesteryear), and the emphasis was on attacking opponents during matches.

If that last bit sounds strange, then consider the limited reversals seen in more recent titles before 2K22. They punished players who tried to play defensively, and that just didn't make any sense. New blocks and limitless reversals opened things up in 2K22, and they made matches flow better than before.

2K can actually improve on this by loosening up animation cycles when contextually appropriate. For example, multi-wrestler matches could actually do with less animation breaks that send wrestlers spinning through the air. That'll have been one of the key areas 2K's devs focused on here.

Gameplay is only gonna get better.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.