WWE 2K23: 10 Things You NEED To Do First

3. “The Lock” In MyRise

WWE 2K23
2K Games

After trying out both story paths available in the revamped MyRise mode, this gamer has decided that "The Lock" is the better starting point. "The Legacy" tells a tale of someone following in the footsteps of their Hall Of Fame family, whereas "The Lock" expertly rips the p*ss out of WWE culture.

Basically, you're a well-known indy star who has been repackaged as "The Lock". Your CAW isn't especially happy about that, but receives guidance from several other WWE wrestlers and legends to just roll with it for now. What follows is a pulsating story that includes debut title wins, stellar self-deprecation, interesting side quests and Sami Zayn's conspiracy theories.

There's a lot to like with this one, folks.

MyRise is now closer than ever to the old branching story modes in the SmackDown titles, which is awesome. 2K ditched the rags-to-riches/"from the ground up" narrative of recent career stuff, and instead fashioned engaging dramas for both male and female creations.

"The Lock", in particular, is a real winner.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.