WWE 2K23: 15 Legends Who Must Be Included

1. Dusty Rhodes

WWE 2K23 Goldust
2K Games

Last Appearance: WWE 2K20

There are three major reasons why Dusty Rhodes must be in 2K23. First, he's a legend who deserves it. Second, Cody just returned to the WWE fold so it'd make sense. Third, 2K20 sucked so badly that fans need another go-around with the 'American Dream' in a better game.

It's a no-brainer.

Dusty didn't get the official treatment in 2K22. He's on Community Creations, which helps, but 2K didn't give him an official character. They really, really, really should in the next title. Teaming him up with Cody sounds like fun.

Which other legends do you want to see in WWE 2K23? For more wrestling, check out 10 Big-Time Wrestling Debuts That Were Totally Wasted and 10 Gimmicks WWE Cancelled For Being TOO SUCCESSFUL!

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