WWE 2K24: 10 Changes From 2K23 That Must Happen

3. Complete Camera Control

WWE 2K24
2K Games

No, this fan will never stop harping on about this until it happens.

WWE 2K doesn’t need to be hard cam daft anymore. Sure, that’s fine as a standard option and does make playing matches look more like a WWE broadcast, but giving players freedom to view the action from wherever the hell they like in arenas is a must in the next game.

Want to see what the view is like from the cheap seats? Have at it. Prefer to camp out behind the commentary desk with Michael Cole at ringside? This is your game, so do that. It has always baffled many that 2K don't offer different camera angle choices when that's pretty standard in gaming.

Replicating Raw and SmackDown is cool and all, but this is a video game. Hell, implement some sort of drone cam that makes it possible to play from any angle. Maybe not underneath the ring though - that'd just be weird.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.