WWE 2K24: EVERY Major Change 2K Just Announced

7. Double Title Matches In Universe Mode

WWE 2K24 Cody Rhodes
2K Games

Technically, there is another workaround for double title matches in exhibition. Some folks have been working on one for Universe Mode too, but 2K has thus far infuriatingly refused to meet them halfway. Good news: Those days are very-much over thanks to the double title match addition in 2K24's Universe suite.

About time.

Now, you'll be able to put multiple belts on the line in the same match. So, if you fancy seeing what WWE would be like with Logan Paul beating Roman Reigns for the Undisputed Title(s) whilst still defending his United States Title in the same match, then have it. This is your sandbox.

That's not the only change to Universe. 2K has tacked on new cutscenes, "expanded rivalry actions", and an interesting "Loser Leaves Town" stipulation for some matches. That one guy who has a 1993 WWF Universe on the go and wants to re-book Ric Flair vs. Mr. Perfect must be thrilled.

Yes, yes it is yours truly.

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