Xbox Game Pass: 10 Essential 360 & Xbox Games You Must Play

8. Black

Mass effect 2

The lonesome Original Xbox offering here, Criterion Games's 2006 shooter was a hit with the critics, even if they felt it was a bit short. Game Pass lets you experience all that now retro tinged goodness without feeling like you've been burned on the price.

You play maverick Sergeant First Class Jack Kellar, a black ops operative, who is being interrogated by an anonymous man about a terrorist cell, with flashbacks serving as missions.

Here then, is your box-standard macho action plot, so what makes Black stand out? First and foremost, Criterion's intention to make Black do for shooting 'what Burnout did for racing' should give you a clue, even if the plot didn't: Black is not a subtle, lowkey affair, but a full throated shout that only really lets up for loading screens.

The sound design and aesthetics of Black remain surprisingly strong, even after 15 years. So much of Black's DNA has been extracted and implanted into Shooters ever since, but there's still a great deal to get out of going back and visiting this classic.


A philosopher (no, actually) and sometime writer from Glasgow, with a worryingly extensive knowledge of Dawson's Creek.