Xbox One: 10 Brand New Tips, Tricks & Secrets You Must Try

2. Change The Entire Dashboard With High Contrast Mode & Custom Wallpapers

Sony continue to refuse allowing custom wallpapers on the PS4, but the newest version of the Xbox One comes with them as standard. Simply head over to the Settings panel (Home button then Settings and Personalisation) and you can choose from any images you've captured in-game, ones you've downloaded or even from a tethered computer on your WiFi network. In addition, the new dash can look a little muddy with its cavalcade of adverts and boxed imagery conglomerating in one place, so to remedy that, there's a 'High Contrast' mode. Again, you want to head into Settings and then 'Ease of Access', where you can toggle this on and see every aspect of the console's UI change to reflect far sharper colours for menu highlights alongside basic blacks, whites and greys for the tiles themselves. Personally I think it's a very nice upgrade, and aids in giving the entire UI a way cooler futuristic feel.
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