Bet you didn't think Netflix and Amazon Prime could reward you by adding to your Gamerscore, right? Well... they still can't, not in terms of actual gamerpoints anyway, but there's a bevy of achievements you can pop just for sitting down to watch your favourite shows. The full list of apps that have achievements can be found over here, but here are some choice selections found so far: Netflix Newbie Reviewer - Rate 5 titles The Ultimate Opinion - Rate 250 titles Just One More Episode... - Watch 5 episodes in a row on Netflix Can't Get Enough of This Show! - Watch 10 episodes in a row on Netflix One Week Wonder - Use Netflix for 7 days in a row One Month Marathon - Use Netflix for 30 days in a row Twitch Newcomer - Watch 1 hour of live video on Twitch. Best Viewer NA - Watch 100 hours of live video on Twitch Hipster - Watch 1 hour of live video on Twitch channels that have less than 10 viewers Talent Scout - Watch 10 hours of live video on Twitch channels that have less than 10 viewers Standing Room Only - Watch a broadcast on Twitch that has more than 100k concurrents Max Bandwidth - Watch a single channel on Twitch for more than 8 hours consecutively Machinima n00b - Watch one video Addict - Launch Machinima 10 times within 30 days License and Registration - Log in and register the Machinima app Thanks for the Sub - Subscribe to a show, game or partner You Can Be My Wingman Anytime - Watch 150 Wingman videos Oversharer - Share 10 videos TED You have met TED - Watched your first talk Ideas know-it-all - Watched 50 hours of talks On a roll - Watched 3 related talks in a row Ideas expert - Watched 100 hours of talks Ideas master - Watched 200 hours of talks Ideas wizard - Watched 500 hours of talks Pointless? Obviously, but... well, you're already thinking of nabbing that 'Watch 5 Episodes In A Row' one from Netflix, right? Are there any awesome Xbox One tips and tricks we've missed? Let us know in the comments, and check out the rest of the Gaming section for more!