7. Streaming And Sharing
This is a peculiar situation because the Xbox One may have actually lucked out and benefited from not being able to broadcast gameplay through services like Twitch TV at this time, although it is an advertised upcoming feature. And I say that because there have been quite the shenanigans going on with Twitch users broadcasting from the Playstation 4 with a free camera game titled The Play Room, that in a nutshell uses your living room or gaming space as the video feed. Not all people have creatively abusing this feature one couple actually created a shockingly successful talk show with it- but unfortunately once one imbecile does something stupid, they subsequently ruin it for everyone. Twitch TV administrators have banned feeds that are broadcast with The Play Room. What was done that caused this uproar? Theres a laundry list of sordid acts including one person high as a kite rubbing pizza on his crotch, but the straw that broke the camels back involved a drunken male completely stripping his unconscious and drunken wife nude for the entire world to witness. Naturally, neither Sony nor Twitch wants to be associated with sexual assault, so this is perhaps for the best. Arguably the most crucial aspect here is that you can already stream your gameplay from the Playstation 4 while Microsoft is still ironing out its kinks in advance. If anything though, I imagine that this problem will get escalated with the Xbox One considering that one of their most promoted peripherals is a camera that is being heavily pushed for both casual usage and legitimate gaming features. On a smaller scale however, both consoles can already capture footage that can be uploaded to various avenues. Well, the Playstation 4 can, all of the Xbox One footage either goes to your activity feed or something called Sky Drive, which is as irrelevant as it sounds. Both consoles definitely succeed at seamlessly sharing content with your gaming buddies through the actual system though.