Xbox Series X: 10 Most Enhanced Games You Need To Play

7. The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind

splinter cell chaos theory

Way back on the original Xbox, Morrowind just about played; these days, smooth 60FPS and other enhancements give you top-notch performance and ease of access to one of the fullest RPG experiences yet developed.

Old gen games really let the Series S/X performance enhancements shine, if only by virtue of having a clear comparison with how they performed before.

Impressive as Morrowind was on the original Xbox, it struggled often and performance was liable to be all over the place, whether in terms of texture resolution or particularly frame rates (not to mention the infamous Bethesda bugginess and instability).

The Series S/X architecture is such that these issues are basically all solved, even before special attention from Bethesda (which could well be on the way, if even Oblivion is receiving 4K support soon). Draw distance, lighting, frame rate, and overall stability are improved leaps and bounds with Morrowind, compared with its first go on Xbox nearly two decades ago.


A philosopher (no, actually) and sometime writer from Glasgow, with a worryingly extensive knowledge of Dawson's Creek.