Xbox Two: 8 Rumours And Details You Need To Know
4. 4K, 60fps Is The Desired Baseline
Both Sony and Microsoft have pushed hard to try and make 4K resolution, accompanied with a solid 60fps, a standard as part of their mid-generation upgrades, but neither has quite managed to achieve such a feat. Not yet, anyway.
The latter's One X has come closest, boasting native 4K as opposed to the PS4 Pro's dynamic variant, but desire and practicality are not mutually exclusive.
There's no way of knowing what architecture the PS5 and Xbox Two will settle on when they hit retail years from now, but technological advancement in 2020 might just be all the push both need to make the benchmark a standard across all games, first and third-party alike.
In short, there's no guarantee Microsoft will be able to achieve that goal, but it's come closer than any other so far, and with 4K-enabled televisions now more readily available, marrying 1080p's successor to a silky smooth frame rate is a much higher possibility now than it was in 2013.