Zelda: Breath Of The Wild 2 - 10 Things Fans Need To See

7. More Enemy Variety

Zelda Breath Of The Wild Thumbnail

'Ooo, I wonder what I'll find over here?' said Link, traversing the mountains next to Woodland Stable. 'Oh,' he said, crestfallen, 'It's just another Bokoblin camp...'

Go on, admit it, you lost count of how many Bokoblins and Lizalfos you killed during Breath of the Wild. Unfortunately the game doesn't do enemy variety particularly well and you'll regularly find yourself fighting the same old Guardians, Bokoblins and Keese.

It's a minor gripe with an otherwise fantastic game, but for the sequel, we'd really love to be able to go up against more of Zelda's iconic back catalogue of enemies (as well as some new ones too!).

What about reintroducing the ReDeads (terrifying monsters which can freeze you in place)? They'd fit in fantastic with the game's apparent darker tone.

It'd also be great to see much more emphasis on boss fights.

Admittedly, the fight against Ganon at the end was really cool, and it was more than a bit tense to take on a Lynel. But we'd love to see Nintendo channel more of Zelda games of the past, and have bosses where you use your environment, and your gadgets, to take them down in a clever and unexpected way.


Dan Curtis is approximately one-half videogame knowledge, and the other half inexplicable Geordie accent. He's also one quarter of the Factory Sealed Retro Gaming podcast.