Zelda: Breath Of The Wild 2 - 10 Things Fans Need To See

6. Give Us A Cookbook!

Zelda Breath Of The Wild Thumbnail

In Breath of the Wild, gone were the days when you could chop up bits of grass and smash pots to find much-needed health inside. Instead, this game focused on cooking food you'd found throughout the environment to replenish your health.

That was great - chucking things in a pot and seeing what happened was a real thrill. However, trying to remember a useful recipe you made was particularly difficult, as there no in-game means to do so.

For Breath of the Wild 2, it's an essential to have some way of cataloguing what recipes you've found. This would, hopefully, log any recipes you've made and what ingredients went into it, as well as giving tips and hints on what you'd need to find new recipes.

This could neatly tie in with different quests too; a character could give you a new recipe, for example, in exchange for you doing a task for them.

It was a clever, robust feature in the original, it'd just be really good to see Nintendo fine-tune it even further in the sequel too.


Dan Curtis is approximately one-half videogame knowledge, and the other half inexplicable Geordie accent. He's also one quarter of the Factory Sealed Retro Gaming podcast.