Zelda: Link's Awakening - 10 Problems Nobody Wants To Admit

2. It Hasn't Opened Any Doors

Links Awakening Switch

Link's Awakening was definitely the best candidate for remaking in the Zelda franchise but not from the point of view you might be thinking. From the player's perspective, it wouldn't have been at the front of the queue for reworking but the developers couldn't have made a better decision.

Why? Because it was the easiest game in the entire franchise to remake.

Without question, Link's Awakening has a tiny map, very few dungeons and a low number of game mechanics meaning the developers would have had a relatively easy task to rework it for the Switch... but can the same be said of other classic titles?

The Oracle games use all of the mechanics and artistic style utilised in Link's Awakening but would be far more difficult to remake in this style because there's so much going on in both games, never mind linked games.

A Link to the Past? Dream on! Such a vast game with it's intense difficulty curve isn't getting remade any time soon.

Zelda II: The Adventure of Link? Just get out. That's never coming back.

There are a few other candidates such a Minish Cap or Four Swords Adventures but, in brief, Nintendo are very, very unlikely to remake these classics meaning the Link's Awakening remake could be a standalone effort/waste of time.


Probably the only person ever to see all the endings of the awful Shadow the Hedgehog video game. Professional proofreader, football fanatic, lion tamer and occasional liar.