Page 3 - Call Of Duty
10 Celebrity Musicians Hidden In Your Favourite Video Games
Why play as LeBron James when you can shoot three-pointers as Adam Yauch?
9 Times Video Game Violence Went Too Far
Sexual assaults, chemical attacks, snuff films - and that's just the beginning.
Call Of Duty: Every Treyarch Zombies Map Ranked From Worst To Best
Treyarch's Zombies story has come to an end. Time to separate the Juggernogs from the Who's…
Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare - 9 Reasons It's The Best COD In Years
Infinity Ward have done it again.
10 Songs For The Perfect Zombie-Killing Playlist
Surviving the hordes with a killer soundtrack.
Call Of Duty Quiz: Campaign Edition
A new year, a new Call of Duty and a great opportunity for a refresher course.
10 Beloved Video Game Studios That Publishers RUINED
"That beloved project that you've been working on? Just do Call of Duty instead."