Page 5 - Doctor Strange In The Multiverse Of Madness


10 Insane Fan Theories For Upcoming MCU Projects

Jaden Smith as the MCU's Miles Morales? Twitter would have a meltdown!
By Danny Meegan

Doctor Strange 2: 8 Ways It Could Change The MCU Forever

Spider-Man, X-Men, and Evil Wanda? The Multiverse Of Madness looks set to live up to its name.
By Danny Meegan

Every Upcoming MCU Project Ranked By Anticipation

The future of the Marvel Cinematic Universe is looking very bright indeed.
By Aidan Whatman

Doctor Strange 2: 10 Multiverse Cameos That Would Break The Internet

If the Multiverse Of Madness doesn't bring back Chris Evans as Johnny Storm, then we all riot.
By Danny Meegan

Spider-Man: No Way Home - Both Post-Credits Scenes Explained

What do those TWO No Way Home post-credits scenes mean for the future of the MCU?
By Andrew Pollard

Wanda Vs "Fox-Verse" Character - Doctor Strange In The Multiverse Of Madness Showdown!

Wanda Maximoff's supposed fight with a Fox character could outdo one from Infinity War.
By Ewan Paterson

10 Insane Rumours For Upcoming Superhero Movies

Is Tom Cruise going to make a cameo in the Doctor Strange sequel?
By Jack Pooley

How WandaVision Sets Up Doctor Strange In The Multiverse Of Madness

Is the Scarlet Witch truly more powerful than the Sorcerer Supreme? We'll find out in 2022.
By Scott Banner

Doctor Strange 2 Casting To Pay Off THAT MCU Fan Theory?

Bruce Campbell might just be appearing in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness...
By Ewan Paterson

10 Ways The Marvel Multiverse Could Kill The MCU

The Marvel Multiverse is going to be a game-changer, but not necessarily in a good way...
By Josh Wilding