Page 6 - Jamie-Foxx


Dane DeHaan Confirmed as Harry Osborne in The Amazing Spider-Man 2

By Stuart W. Bedford

Django Unchained International Trailer Hits

The new clip has a few glimpses at footage that wasn't included in the first full-length…
By Matt Holmes

Django Unchained Trailer: Life, Liberty & The Pursuit of Vengeance

The first full-length trailer for Quentin Tarantino’s eighth film, "Django Unchained", has…
By Mike Histon

Watch: Django Unchained Trailer - 30 Second Preview

Tarantino, you had our curiosity and now you have our attention!
By Matt Holmes

First Django Unchained Trailer Attached To Prometheus

As if you really needed another reason to see Ridley Scott's "Prometheus".
By Matt Holmes

Quentin Tarantino's Django Unchained First Images Online

First looks at Leonardo DiCaprio, Jamie Foxx and Christoph Waltz from Quentin Tarantino's epic…
By Matt Holmes

Quentin Tarantino's Django Unchained Gets Official Synopsis & 2013 UK Release

Sony & The Weinstein Company to release Tarantino's western in January 2013 in the UK.
By Matt Holmes

First Teaser Posters For Quentin Tarantino's Django Unchained

The very first teaser posters for Quentin Tarantino's forthcoming black slavery western Django…
By Matt Holmes

Blu-ray Review: HORRIBLE BOSSES - Every Worker's Fantasy

So your boss is a jerk, who yanks your chain and treats you like crap, making you hate your job…
By Stuart Cummins

HORRIBLE BOSSES Review: Another Moderately Funny Studio Comedy

Its cheerful message of murder may well find a sizable audience amongst beleaguered workers…
By John Nugent