10 Shocking Behind The Scenes Stories WCW Didn’t Want You To Know

9. The Flock Became A Real Problem

Hollywood Hulk Hogan Scott Hall WCW Knife

Raven was one of the other midcard highlights in WCW during the late-90s. He and his 'Flock' would regularly camp out around ringside in the front few rows and jump the barrier for ambushes - it was a great gimmick, and the beauty of it was that Raven's crew seemed unpredictable.

Few knew just how true that was.

Ex-member Scotty Riggs once told RF Video that the group would often drink or do drugs at ringside during WCW broadcasts. This became a bit of a problem for company management, because they obviously couldn't have that. Flock man Hammer also almost got them booted from the building when he sparked up a cigarette in front of security.

Behind the curtain, WCW officials knew something had to change. The Flock were out of control, and it'd cause major problems if fans complained that they were popping pills at ringside. No wonder the faction disbanded in late-1998.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.