5 Wrestlers Who Will Get Over In AEW (And 5 Who Won't)
3. The Dark Order WON'T...
At least for now.
The act is wretched, if it can even be defined. It's loosely a 'supernatural' gimmick, because they can control lighting systems and control their 'creepers'. It isn't working...at all; the most receptive, earnest crowd in the modern history of wrestling doesn't give a solitary sh*t about them. That's the tell. It was a slightly different crowd, but Jebailey was more over on an AEW show than the Dark Order. Baby oil is fine, twerking assaults are fine (in every sense of the word), Tommy Dreamer is fine. The Dark Order are not fine, which is some indictment.
There's an asterisk to this because the Dark Order are a great team, just trapped under a sh*tty gimmick scarcely believable in its lack of creativity. There's a real neat synergy to the act that used to get Player Uno all-the-way over as a monster down the stretch; when he matched Stu Grayson's propulsive athleticism in signature double team assaults, he looked like an awesome hoss. As a member of the Dark Order, the silliness obscures the hard work.
"Boo! They're evil!" is a reaction absolutely nobody will ever give them.