WWE: 14 Greatest Ever Moments When Superstars Got Revenge

1. Matt Hardy Returns To Confront Edge

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JMPCfu7nu8w Stemming from a real life drama, this is as personal a moment of revenge as WWE could get. For years Matt Hardy and Lita had been an on and off-screen couple, beloved by the fans. But in 2005 it was revealed that Amy 'Lita' Dumas and Adam 'Edge' Copeland had been having an affair, made all the more brutal by Matt Hardy getting released from the WWE at the same time. Edge and Lita would both receive boos and "You screwed Matt" chants at subsequent shows despite Lita working as a babyface. Paul Heyman would even mention the drama in a shoot promo aimed at Edge during ECW's one-off revival pay-per-view One Night Stand. Eventually Lita was turned heel and aligned with Edge on-screen as WWE embraced the real life drama. Meanwhile an online petition to reinstate Hardy reached 15,000 signatures and Hardy himself was posting shoot videos on the internet aimed at the couple and WWE themselves. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UMiT419xjAw In June Edge and Lita held a live marriage ceremony on Raw. As the priest asked if there were any objections, Matt Hardy's music hit to a raucous reaction from the crowd in attendance, until it was revealed that it had been a set-up by Edge and Lita themselves to poke fun at the situation. Weeks later Matt Hardy returned, attacking Edge both backstage and after his match with Kane, grabbing a microphone and proclaiming that he will make Adam and Amy's lives a living hell (see video at the top). He was escorted from the arena by security while screaming that WWE can kiss his ass. Back then this seemed perfectly legitimate as it was ahead of its time in allowing Hardy to reference his scheduled matches in Ring of Honor, the commentators didn't acknowledge the situation and he was handcuffed on his removal. That moment was the first to provide Hardy revenge, but three weeks later Vince McMahon would announce that Matt Hardy had been re-signed by the WWE. At the end of August Hardy and Edge would finally face off in a Street Fight that ended with Hardy getting his second big moment of revenge as he hit a Side Effect to Edge off the stage. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZG2v5a4IKY0 Hardy would get one final moment of revenge as the two faced again at Unforgiven inside a steel cage. Matt would win the match after hitting a leg drop from the top of cage to complete his trio of vengeance. Agree, disagree, have a favourite that didn't make the list? Sound off in the comments below.
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Founder of ForTheRecordNews.com; he is a long time fan of wrestling, television, film, sports and video games from North Yorkshire.